Childhood Obesity

Studies have shown that about 30% of all children in America aged 6 to 19 are either overweight or obese. That is almost one out of three young Americans. The situation in the countries of the European Union is similar. The body mass index (BMI) is a formula to measure obesity. It uses a combination of height and weight. A BMI score of 25 or higher shows that you […]

First Aid

First aid is the help that you give someone quickly after they have hurt themselves or have had an accident . It can stop a person from becoming more ill. In some cases, it can even save a person’s life. Only someone who knows first aid well should try to treat an injured or sick person. Usually, you give […]


All living things need food to survive. It gives us energy for everything that we do. It also gives the body what it needs to repair muscles, organs and skin. Food helps us fight off dangerous diseases. It is important to eat a wide range of food in order to stay healthy. Nutrition is the science that deals with food and how the body uses it. How the body […]

Physical Fitness

he body is an amazing object; the more you ask of it, the more it can do. If you are inactive most of the time, your body will quickly become tired when it should be active. But if you are active many times each day or week, your body will get used to the hard work and it will become easier […]

Thalidomide – A Drug That Malfomed Thousands of Children

50 years ago a drug called Thalidomide caused the birth of thousands of disabled and malformed babies. They had shorter and twisted hands and no thumbs. Nobody knows how many babies were really affected by the drug but experts say that 10,000 babies were malformed in Germany alone.  Thalidomide was developed in Germany by the pharmaceutical company Grünenthal. In Germany it was sold by the name of Contergan between 1957 and […]


Every year in spring millions of people around the world suffer from asthma. It is a time when flowers blossom and grass is cut. Asthma is an illness that narrows the breathing passages. As a result, not enough air can enter and leave your lungs. According to the World Health Organisation over 230 million people around the world are suffering from asthma. Among children […]

Vaccines – Antibodies That Protect Us From Diseases

Vaccines are substances that help the body fight off diseases and illnesses. In the past they have helped save millions of lives around the world. Diseases are often caused by bacteria or viruses that attack the human body.  A vaccine is a dead or very weak form of such a virus. When you get a vaccinationfrom your doctor the body it gets used to […]

Epilepsy – Disorder of the Brain

Epilepsy is a disease in which a sudden seizure takes place in the brain. It happens when other actions interfere with normal brain activities. Our brain is the control center in our body which relays messages and commandsto other body parts. When this communication centre is disrupted or doesn’t workproperly it causes disorders in the way we move or behave. Nerve cells communicate with each other through electrical particles. Millions of them travel through […]


Malnutrition is a disorder of your food intake. It occurs when a person eats too little or too much, or has an unbalanced diet. In most cases malnutrition meansundernourishment, a lack of food and not enough calories. It is widespread indeveloping countries. On the other side obesity occurs in developed countries where people eat too much. According to the World Health Organization malnutrition is one of the greatest dangers of global health.Currently, about […]

High Blood Pressure – A Silent Killer

According to the World Health Organization over a billion adults around the world suffer from high blood pressure. It is now taking steps to fight against what is called a silent killer. High blood pressure can lead to strokes and a heart attack. Almost 10 million people die of these two diseases every year. They are the number one causes of death globally. High blood pressure also leads to kidney failure,blindness and other […]