Drugs Under Control in Portugal

Not the Netherlands but Portugal is the European country that has the most liberal drug laws. In 2001 the Iberian country was the first in Europe that did not punishpeople for taking drugs like heroin, cocaine or marijuana. Instead of sending a drug addict to prison the Portuguese authorities offer a therapy to get them off drugs. As the government says punishing them might drive more […]

Cancer – A Killer Disease – Forms of Treatment

There is no real cure for cancer. But if you go to the doctor early enough it may betreated successfully. About a hundred years ago people who developed cancer were certain to die. Today, medicine has made so much progress that about half of all cancer patients can be treated successfully depending on the form of cancer. There are three basic methods of cancer treatment: Surgery If a cancer […]

Cancer – A Killer Disease – Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

symptoms of Cancer Doctors and scientists have found out that there are some symptoms that are typical of cancer. Victims feel pain, sometimes lose weight and become tired or they may feel a change in their skin. Each form of cancer also has other special symptoms: Blood in your urine may be a signal of bladder or prostate cancer. Lumps in a woman’s breast may mean breast cancer. A cough that does not […]

Cancer – A Killer Disease – Introduction and Types

Cancer is a dangerous disease in which certain cells in our body grow in an uncontrolled way. It is one of the world’s most serious illnesses. Together with heart attacks it kills more people than any other disease in the world. The human body has blllions of cells. They are tiny elements of living material. Cells always reproduce themselves. Normally our body controls this process. It tells cells to divide themselves when […]

Euthanasia -Pros and Cons of Mercy Killing

Euthanasia comes from the Greek language and means „good death“. Another word for euthanasia is “mercy killing”. It is the end of an ill person’s life in apainless way. In the past years there has been much discussion about euthanasia all over the world. In some countries, like Switzerland, Belgium or the Netherlands certain types of […]

Caffeine – A Stimulant for Our Body

You are drinking lots of cola at a party, when it suddenly hits. You are full of energy, you jump around, and you talk too fast. Later you can’t fall asleep and the next day you’re tired and feel awful. Does that sound familiar? Most children already have a lot of energy, but kids who drink […]

AIDS – Causes and Growth of a Killer Disease

In the middle of the 1970s a new disease emerged. It was called AIDS, or acquiredimmune deficiency syndrome. Scientists and doctors didn’t know anything about it at first but until today AIDS has killed 25 million people and about 50 million may beinfected. AIDS occurs all over the world, but southern Africa, Asia and the United States have had more AIDS victims than […]


The word “vitamin” goes back to the Polish scientist Casimir Funk in 1912.  He was studying a substance in the layer that covers rice.  This substance was believed to cure a disease called beriberi. Funk believed the substance belonged to a group of chemicals known as amines.  He added the Latin word “vita,” meaning life.  So he called the substance a “vitamine” — an amine necessary for life. Scientists have discovered fourteen kinds […]

Chocolate – History and Production

Chocolate is a food that is popular all over the world. It is made from the seeds of the cacao tree. It can be eaten and also used as a flavour in ice cream, candy and other foods. Many people like the taste of chocolate and those who work hard eat it to give them energy. History of chocolate Chocolate originally came from Mexico and […]


Blood is an important fluid that keeps us alive. We cannot live without it. The heart pumps blood to all parts of the body and brings them oxygen and food. At the same time blood carries all the substances we don’t need away from us. Blood fights infections, keeps our body temperature the same and carries chemicals that control body functions. Finally, blood […]