Episode 35: A letter from HR

Tim: Dear Mr Hunter, Vacancy reference: Assistant manager Further to your application for the above position, I am pleased to be able to invite you to attend an interview. Please report to the HR office on Tuesday 11th March at 1 pm. A job specification is enclosed. If you have any access needs in order […]

Episode 34: Helen to the rescue

Michal: I told you so! Tim: Hurry up, I’m getting soaked! Helen: What’s going on here? What a mess! Dad’ll kill me. Michal: It’s the water. Tim didn’t turn off it before trying to fix the tap. Helen: Honestly Tim! You’re as thick as two short planks sometimes. Michal, turn the water off. Tim, give […]

Episode 33: The dripping tap

Michal: Hey Tim, what are you doing? Tim: I’m fixing this tap. I can’t put up with that drip-drip noise anymore. Michal: Have you turned off the water? Tim: I told you. That’s what I’m working on. Michal: I mean the main water supply? Have you cut it off? Tim: No, I haven’t. Stop worrying […]

Episode 32: Baby talk

Dr. Laver: Okay, well in this room we monitor the babies overnight. Now, the important thing is to talk to them. Alice: Talk to them? What do I say? Dr. Laver: Well, watch me. Hello, you are a handsome boy aren’t you? You’re gorgeous. Now you try. Speak to the baby next to you. Alice: […]

Episode 31: The photocopier

John: Hey, Helen, look what I’ve found on the photocopier – the answers for next week’s test! Helen: The answers? You’d better hand them in to the office. John: You’re kidding, aren’t you? I think you should wise up. Helen: What do you mean? John: We’ve both been struggling with the work this term; here’s […]

Eartha Kitt, 1927-2008: Singer, Actress and ‘Catwoman’

Listen Music – Audio File Hosting – Cliff Robertson, 1923-2011_ … I’m Steve Ember. And I’m Barbara Klein with PEOPLE IN AMERICA in VOA Special English. Today we tell about the unforgettable entertainer Eartha Kitt. The life of this singer and actress was as rich and interesting as her career. (Music: “C’est Si Bon”) “C’est Si Bon,” […]

Cliff Robertson, 1923-2011: Actor, Writer, Producer and Director

Embed Music – Upload Audio Files – Cliff Robertson, 1923-2011_ … JUNE SIMMS: This is PEOPLE IN AMERICA in VOA Special English. Today we tell about award-winning actor Cliff Robertson. He appeared in movies, television shows, and plays for more than half a century. Here is Jim Tedder. Cliff Robertson died of natural causes in […]

Charlton Heston, 1923-2008: An Actor Famous for Playing Heroic Roles

Embed Music Files – Upload Audio – Biography – Charlton Heston,… I’m Shirley Griffith. And I’m Barbara Klein with PEOPLE IN AMERICA in VOA Special English. Today we tell about actor Charlton Heston. He is best known for playing powerful and heroic leaders in movies such as “The Ten Commandments” and “Ben-Hur.” Heston had a strong face […]

Bob Hope, 1903-2003: He Entertained People for More Than 70 Years

Upload Music – Listen Audio Files – Biography – Bob Hope, 1903-2… I’m Phoebe Zimmermann. And I’m Dick Rael with the VOA Special English programPEOPLE IN AMERICA.  Today, we tell the story of Bob Hope. He was one of the world’s most famous comedians.  His life in show business lasted for more than seventy years. […]