Billy Wilder, 1906-2002: He Made Movies People Will Never Forget

Free Music – Download Audio – Biography – Billy Wilder, 19… I’m Mary Tillotson. And I’m Steve Ember with the VOA Special English program,PEOPLE IN AMERICA.  Today we tell about Billy Wilder.  He was the director of some of the greatest American movies. Many experts say that Billy Wilder changed the history of American movies.  […]

Teeth – How To Keep Them Healthy

As long as parents care for the health of their children’s teeth they will make sure that they are checked every six months but as children get older it is up to them to look after their teeth. Here are some easy suggestions on how to keep your teeth in good shape. Use an electric toothbrush. It can remove food and other things better […]

At 27, Your Brain Starts Getting Old

Old age starts at 27, at least when you look at the human brain. Scientists have found out that the power and strength of the brain is best at 22. In your late 20s certain functions of the brain start getting weaker. In order to test the powers of the brain people who took part in the studies had to […]

Diabetes – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

About 200 million people all over the world suffer from a disease called diabetes. Sometimes people don’t even know that they have it because they you can’t see any symptoms. But if you don’t treat it it may cause health problems and sometimes may even be deadly. Diabetes happens when the body has too much sugar in it. It is the energy we […]

Breaking a Bone

The medical term for a broken bone is a fracture. But there are different kinds of fractures. A single fracture is when a bone is broken in just one place. You may have heard the term hairline fracture. This is a single fracture that is very small, like the width of a hair. A complete fracture is when the […]

The Swine Flu – Basic Facts

he outbreak of the swine flu in Mexico has caused panic in the medical world. But what is the swine flu and how dangerous is it? The swine flu is a disease of the respiratory system. It is very common among pigs. There are many different kinds of swine flu and the illness can spreadthroughout the year. It makes pigs ill but hardly kills them. The virus is very active […]

Stress – Signs, Symptoms and How to Manage Stress

Stress is a feeling we have when we react to events that don’t make us feel very good. Such events can happen at school, like a test or examination, at your office, like getting a new boss or in your private life, like preparing for a divorce. Our body has certain hormones that it releases during times of stress. In […]

Acupuncture – Old Chinese Medicine

r more than 4,000 years people in Asia have used acupuncture to treat illnesses. It is an old Chinese form of healing in which your skin is pierced with thin needles to relieve pain. Today acupuncture is also very popular in Europe, America andAustralia. Acupuncture can control pain and sickness. It can also be used if you have aheadache or back pain. Some doctors use acupuncture […]