Irregular-Verb Chart

A Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle arise arose arisen awake awakened / awoke awakened / awoken B backslide backslid backslidden / backslid be was, were been bear bore born / borne beat beat beaten / beat become became become begin began begun bend bent bent bet bet / betted [?] bet / betted [?] bid (farewell) bid / bade bidden […]

The Pyrenees

Of all Europe’s mountain ranges, the jagged and often snow-capped Pyrenees, 435 kilometres long, have functioned most effectively as a barrier to human movement. Unlike the Alps, the Pyrenees have no low foothills or hospitable valleys to ease access into and through their heights. Rather, the Pyrenees rise abruptly from the flanking plains of France […]


A sphinx is a legendary monster with a human head and a lion’s body. In ancient Egypt, where the idea originated, the head was usually a portrait of the reigning pharaoh. It also represented the sky god Horus. The Egyptians always pictured their kings as calm and stately, with wide-open, staring eyes. The lion’s body […]


Perhaps the best-known of all national nicknames is Yankee. Yet the origin of this famous name for Americans is a mystery. Scholars once thought it came from Yengees, which was supposed to be the way the American Indians pronounced the word English, or its French equivalent, Anglais. Another theory is that a Dutch nickname Yankey […]

Even Better Than Today’s Textiles

People living long ago on the hot coastal strip of Peru created some of the world’s most beautiful textiles. Archaeologists have found an amazing quantity of these in “mummy bundles” tucked away in tombs. These ancient people of the Andean region, like those of Egypt, believed the dead needed articles from this life to use […]

Joaquin Murieta

Was he a hero or a villain? Did he really exist at all? In the early 1850s, Mexican immigrant Joaquin Murieta was real to Californians; he was wanted, dead or alive, for robbery. He was a hero to Mexicans who resented the prejudice they faced in the United States. Some scholars today believe his story to […]