Listening 3

1 A: How are the pants, sir? B: I think they’re too short. What do you think? A: Yes. I think you’re right. They certainly are too short. B: Can you get me a longer pair? 2. A: Do you like this blouse? B: Well, I think it’s a little too big. A: I guess […]

Come to the Fair

Come to the Fair Fall fairs have been a feature of North American life since early in the nineteenth century. At the end of the harvest, people from rural areas have come together to celebrate. Usually, these fairs take the form of a competition regarding the best of all farm products of that year. Depending […]

Listening 2 – Keys and scripts

1 A: Excuse me. I’ve lost my little boy. We were looking at microwaves and he was bored and… B: Calm down, sir. Can you describe him? A: Yes. He’s nine. Really cute. B: And what color is his hair? A: Dark brown. B: Okay. Let’s see where he is. Just sit down and relax. […]