Strange: Chinese man likes to eat iron nails

Meet Long Yunsheng, a man from China with a penchant for iron nails. Apart from Long doesn’t collect the iron nails, he eats them. Yes, you heard correctly. Long easily swallows several nails with a length of three to five centimetres. Washing them down with a cup of water, Long stuns everyone around him, as he eats the nails with ease. […]

Fascinating video shows impact if an asteroid hit planet Earth

This is a visualisation of what it would look like if a city-destroying asteroid hit planet Earth. And scarily, the chance of an asteroid striking our planet is actually higher than scientists previously believed, according to the California-based B612 Foundation. The non-profit group has released the video in the hopes that it will press home the idea […]

3D-printed buildings put into use in China

From a distance, these buildings may look like any regular brick structure, but close up you can see that their walls are made of hundreds of layers piled up together, as these are actually China’s first buildings made with 3D printing technology. The ten grey coloured buildings have been erected in Shanghai without using a single piece of brick […]

Dead whale on beach: Fears rotting whale on Canadian beach could explode

A dead blue whale has washed up on a beach in Canada, causing concerns for locals, as it slowly rots and bloats. The 25-metre whale carcass washed up on the western Newfoundland community of Trout River just over a week ago, and the smell is taking its toll on residents. “Well, it’s getting worse now. It’s really getting… Every day. If the […]

Big baby: Massachusetts mum gives birth to 14.5 pound little girl

This little baby is definitely getting more attention than most newborns! A hospital in Massachusetts welcomed Carisa Ruscak on April 22nd – the second biggest baby staff has ever delivered. The little girl weighed in at 14 and a half pounds and 22 inches long to parents Caroline and Bryan. Carisa was delivered via c-section and is said to […]

Radiation art: Artist turns Fukushima radiation effects into art to show unseen contamination

A Japanese artist has decided to show the invisible aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Masamichi Kagaya has paired up with a university professor to help print out the contamination that is normally unseen to the naked eye. He made regular trips to the exclusion zones and began gathering contaminated items shortly after the release of nuclear material across the area. For Kagaya, while many call his […]

Amazing! Volvo introduces new self-driving car

A new pilot project being launched is set to introduce us to self-driving cars. Yes, you heard correctly, cars that allow you to sit back as the vehicle takes control. Volvo’s autonomous driving is said to improve fuel economy, the effects cars have on the environment and road safety. The car manufacturer’s ambition is to ensure nobody is killed or […]

Amazing upside down house opens to the public in Shanghai

Ever wondered what it would be like to dance on the ceiling? Well, now you can, as a fully upside down house has been built in Shanghai. The upside down house features a bathroom, bedrooms, a kitchen and living area where everything has been, well, turned upside down including the furniture and even the cutlery. […]