Cute: Baby giraffe introduced to herd at San Diego Zoo

A baby giraffe who spent 39 days in intensive care has been reintroduced to the herd at San Diego Zoo. Baby Leroy, who was born on January 8th, suffered from a severe bacterial infection and his chances of recovery were pretty slim. But the Ugandan male giraffe calf is now back on his feet and already playing with his new friends. […]

Man tries to snatch woman’s necklace as she’s interviewed on TV

This is the moment a Brazilian news programme caught footage of a woman apparently being robbed on camera whilst giving an interview about increased crime in the area. Suddenly, in the middle of the interview on Wednesday, a young man appears in view and attempts to snatch the woman’s necklace. The TV Globo report went on to […]

Cute baby seal found in Sweden harbour

This baby seal was found wailing and roaming around a quayside in Sweden after it lost its way and ended up in the town’s harbour. The little thing was greeted by curious residents who filmed it, as it rolled around on the harbour’s steps. A local wild animal expert said that a mother seal abandons her pups when they are just two to three weeks […]

Tightrope walker balances above the Seine without harness

A French tightrope walker has defied gravity by balancing 25 metres above the Seine River. Denis Josselin crossed the 150 meter-long rope without a harness or safety net, but police boats were on hand in case he lost his balance. This didn’t bother the acrobat though, as he’s found a way of overcoming his fear, saying he focuses on positive energy […]

Brutal annual seal hunt begins in Canada

Canada began its annual seal hunt this week amid heavy ice conditions off the northwest coast of Newfoundland. This footage shot by campaign group Humane Society International shows hunters brutally clubbing seals and loading them onto their boat. According to the campaign group, only 17 boats have chosen to take part in the controversial hunt, which typically focuses on harp seals. […]

Ohio judge orders man to hold up ‘I am a bully’ sign

A 62-year-old man in Ohio got a bit of an unusual sentence from a judge after he was forced to hold a sign in public saying “I’m a bully”. Edmond Aviv was told to wear the sign on a busy intersection as part of his punishment for harassing a neighbour and his family over a period of 15 […]

Ouch! Huge bear falls out of 30 foot (9 metre) tree

This huge bear in Florida had a bit of a rough landing on Monday, after it was shot out of a tree using a tranquilliser gun. The bear had climbed 30 feet up the tree, which was situated right in front of a house in Panama City. Animal welfare officials were waiting at the bottom of the tree with […]

661 pound (300kg) Chinese man rescued from home

A 300 kilogram (47 stone/661 pound) man shocked doctors when he was rushed to hospital in China. Sun Liang, who is just 22-years-old, became ill last week and couldn’t move himself in his own home. When an ambulance arrived at his house, paramedics were unable to move him onto a stretcher, so a dozen security men were sent to help shift him. […]

Baby seals rescued from oil pollution at St Petersburg rehab centre

A rehabilitation centre in Saint Petersburg has been rescuing these baby seals, suffering from climate change and pollution. Staff members at the centre have been fighting for the life of this little one in particular, after the newborn was brought to the centre covered in oil. “There was a high probability that he would die from oil intoxication but he […]

Teen stowaway survives five-hour flight in jetliner wheel

A teenage boy had a lucky escape after he ran away from home and survived a five-hour flight hiding in the wheel of a jetliner. The 16 year-old stowaway lost consciousness, as the flight from California to Hawaii reached 38,000 feet (11.5 kilometres), and freezing temperatures sank to minus 80 degrees. About an hour after he landed in […]