listen for vocabulary

Free Music – Play Audio – 10. Joe’s First Car Joe is (1)………………….. years old. Joe works at McDonald’s. Joe (2) ………………….. all his money. Joe has $2500.00 in the (3) ……………………. He wants to buy a (4) ………………………….. Joe starts to (5) ……………………… for a new car. Joe looks in the(6) …………………………….. Joe looks […]

09. The Easter Egg Hunt

A. LISTEN FOR OVERVIEW (NGHE HIỂU KHÁI QUÁT) Embed Music Files – Audio File Hosting – 09. The Easter Egg Hunt Listen carefully to the talk at least twice. How much can you understand? (hãy nghe đoạn độc thoại ít nhất hai lần. Bạn có thể hiểu được bao nhiêu?) B. LISTEN FOR VOCABULARY (NGHE […]

listening for vocabulary

Embed Music Files – Audio File Hosting – 09. The Easter Egg Hunt Samantha is going to an Easter egg hunt. Tracey is going to an Easter egg hunt. The Easter egg hunt is at Sydney’s (1) ………………. It is going to be (2) …………………………. Sydney’s mom (3) ……………………..chocolate eggs. Sydney’s mom hid chocolate bunnies. […]

08. Mark’s Big Game

A. LISTEN FOR OVERVIEW (NGHE HIỂU KHÁI QUÁT) Free Music – Upload Audio Files – 08. Mark’s Big Game Listen carefully to the talk at least twice. How much can you understand? (hãy nghe đoạn độc thoại ít nhất hai lần. Bạn có thể hiểu được bao nhiêu?) B. LISTEN FOR VOCABULARY (NGHE TÌM TỪ […]

Listening for vocabulary

Free Music – Upload Audio Files – 08. Mark’s Big Game Mark’s (1)………………….sport is hockey. He is 15 years old. Mark (2) ……………………….. three times a week. Practices are two hours long. Mark plays one game a week. Mark is a good hockey (3) ……………………….. He plays on Friday nights. Friday night hockey games are […]

07. Jennifer the Firefighter

A. LISTEN FOR OVERVIEW (NGHE HIỂU KHÁI QUÁT) Listen Music – Audio File Hosting – 07. Jennifer the Firefighter Listen carefully to the talk at least twice. How much can you understand? (hãy nghe đoạn độc thoại ít nhất hai lần. Bạn có thể hiểu được bao nhiêu?) B. LISTEN FOR VOCABULARY (NGHE TÌM TỪ […]

Listen for vocabulary

Listen Music – Audio File Hosting – 07. Jennifer the Firefighter Jennifer Smith is a (1) …………………. She is one of the first (2) ………………………. firefighters. Jennifer works (3) ………………………. every day. Jennifer (4)………………………….every day. She (5) ………………….. She wants her (6) ………………………… be very strong. She (7)…………………………… people’s lives every day. She is very […]

06. My First Pet

A. LISTEN FOR OVERVIEW (NGHE HIỂU KHÁI QUÁT) Embed Music Files – Embed Audio – 06. My First Pet Listen carefully to the talk at least twice. How much can you understand? (hãy nghe đoạn độc thoại ít nhất hai lần. Bạn có thể hiểu được bao nhiêu?) B. LISTEN FOR VOCABULARY (NGHE TÌM TỪ […]

Listening for vocabulary

Embed Music Files – Embed Audio – 06. My First Pet My name is Sarah. I am 14 years old. I have a (1) …………………….. My cat’s name is Milo. My cat is black and white. Milo’s(2) ………………………. are white. Milo’s body is black. She is very (3) …………………………… Milo’s fur is very (4) ……………………………. Milo […]

Listen for vocabulary

Upload Music Files – Free Audio – 05. My House I live in a house. My house is small. My house has two (1)……………………….. My Mom and Dad sleep in one bedroom. My sister and I (2) ……………………………. the other bedroom. My house has a (3) ………………………….. My Mom and Dad cook dinner there every night. My house […]