Episode 41: Tickets for lunch


Yeah and just tidy up that display now. Oh good morning madam.


Hello. It’s nice to see you on this side of the counter for a change.


Yes, I’ve been promoted. I’m an Assistant Manager now!


Oh does your ambition know no bounds? Congratulations!


Thank you. Now how can I help you today?


It’s more about how I can help you. I’ve got the option of some World Cup tickets and, quelle surprise, football bores me silly. Would you care for them?


I’d love them! But I could never afford them.


Well, that’s where you’re wrong. Just keep a gal company over lunch some time soon and they’re yours for nothing…


Speaking tips

tidy up: làm gọn lại, dọn dẹp cho gọn lại

know no bounds: no limits: không có giới hạn

afford (v) có thể làm được, có thể chi trả được

they’re yours for nothing. Chúng là của anh (không cần phải bận tâm trả tiền hay đền đáp gì)

 It’s nice to see you on this side of the counter for a change. (ý nói việc thay đổi mà anh được đứng bên này của quầy trưng bày thật tuyệt)

quelle surprise!: what a surprise! ngạc nhiên không!

