Wow! Moscow State Circus juggler sets keepy uppy world record

For those that say men can’t multitask, stop right there! This is Zhora, the amazing football juggler, who can balance himself on a giant ball, whilst juggling three footballs and do “keepy uppies” – flicking another football from foot to foot.

Zhora, from the Moscow State Circus, set a new world record on Thursday by completing 36 “keepy uppies” in 14 seconds whilst juggling and balancing on the huge rolling ball.

Zhora’s mum enrolled him into circus school as a child and he’s been performing professionally since he was 15.

So now that the record is set, it’s up to someone else to try and break it. But the question is, can we find another multi-tasking man out there?

Difficult words: multitask (to do more things at once), flick (kick), enrol (arrange to join school).
