Wedding party falls into lake when dock collapses

“Oh my God!”

“Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God. Oh my God.”

Not quite what you want on your wedding day. It wasn’t just the bride and groom taking the plunge at this wedding in Minnesota, when the whole party ended up in a lake.

The hilarious video shows the moment Dan and Jackie Anderson were dunked into a lake after lining up on a dock with their groomsmen and bridesmaids for a photo shoot, before the wedding was due to begin. The weight of the 22 people was just too much for the dock and it collapsed beneath them, resulting in the whole wedding party getting a soaking.

As screams and laughter echoed around the lake, a couple of bridesmaids were able to dash off, but the rest ended up in waist deep water.

The bride, groom and their entire wedding party were still drying off, as the guests arrived for the wedding.

Difficult words: take the plunge (to do something important or risky), plunge (jump or dive into water AND to do something important), party (group of people who go somewhere together), dunk (to put something into a liquid), dash off (run away).
