Teen stowaway survives five-hour flight in jetliner wheel

A teenage boy had a lucky escape after he ran away from home and survived a five-hour flight hiding in the wheel of a jetliner.

The 16 year-old stowaway lost consciousness, as the flight from California to Hawaii reached 38,000 feet (11.5 kilometres), and freezing temperatures sank to minus 80 degrees.

About an hour after he landed in Hawaii, he regained consciousness and was spotted by airline crew wandering around the airport grounds.

“First and foremost, you know, our concern is with him and with his family. He is a very lucky boy today. At this point, we continue to review video surveillance, and I don’t have any specific details on that right now. Our staff continues to review that with federal officials, but certainly video surveillance is part of our airport security program here at San Jose airport.”

The teen was turned over to local child protection officials and medical examinations show he was unharmed.

Difficult words: stowaway (somebody who hides on a vehicle to travel secretly), consciousness (when you are awake and OK), spot (see), wander (walk), foremost (most importantly), concern (feeling of worry), video surveillance (video camera footage), unharmed (not hurt).

