Strange: Chinese man likes to eat iron nails

Meet Long Yunsheng, a man from China with a penchant for iron nails.

Apart from Long doesn’t collect the iron nails, he eats them. Yes, you heard correctly. Long easily swallows several nails with a length of three to five centimetres. Washing them down with a cup of water, Long stuns everyone around him, as he eats the nails with ease.

Long said he developed the unbelievable habit of swallowing nails after he learned it from others about 32 years ago.

“I was 17 or 18 years old. I was not sure that the man who can do this was willing to teach me. If the teacher likes you, he teaches you. If not, he refuses to teach you.”

Despite being able to add glass, ceramics and tiles to his weekly food shop list, Long is said to be in good health.

Difficult words: penchant (to like something a lot), swallow (make food go down your throat), stun (surprise or shock), tile (flat square piece of baked clay for covering walls and floors).
