New York artist uses bubble wrap to create works of art

Now, we all love having a bit of fun with bubble wrap, but New York artist Bradley Hart has turned bubble wrap into art.

Yeah, over the past four years, Bradley’s mastered a top secret technique that involves custom-made computer algorithmssyringes and homemade tools.

Bradley says the idea came after an encounter with an overzealous security guard and leftover bubble wrap.

“Oh my God! That’s it! And I know that it’s an idea that wasn’t 100% new, to play with the idea of the cultural trope on whether or not one should touch art because that’s what the art began on. They didn’t start as paintings or the sculptures they’re moving into. It actually began as a sculpture of just a roll of bubble wrap and playing with the idea that should you touch the art or not.”

Bradley will show off his latest work on the 7th of May at Cavaller Galleries in New York.

Difficult words: algorithm (set of instructions for solving a mathematical problem), syringe (instrument for putting liquid in somebody’s body), overzealous (too excited about something), trope (motif).

