Man tries to snatch woman’s necklace as she’s interviewed on TV

This is the moment a Brazilian news programme caught footage of a woman apparently being robbed on camera whilst giving an interview about increased crime in the area.

Suddenly, in the middle of the interview on Wednesday, a young man appears in view and attempts to snatch the woman’s necklace. The TV Globo report went on to show other robberies their cameras caught in the area over the past week.

This young man was also seen to be grabbing valuables through a bus window.

TV Globo said most of the thieves shown were young and carried out the snatchings unarmed and in broad daylight.

The woman was unharmed and the would-be-thief did not manage to get away with her jewellery. By the time police showed up after the attempted robbery, the man in question was long gone.

Difficult words: snatch (to take something quickly), grab (to take something quickly), broad daylight (in the daytime), would-be (he failed at doing something).

