Big baby: Massachusetts mum gives birth to 14.5 pound little girl

This little baby is definitely getting more attention than most newborns!

A hospital in Massachusetts welcomed Carisa Ruscak on April 22nd – the second biggest baby staff has ever delivered.

The little girl weighed in at 14 and a half pounds and 22 inches long to parents Caroline and Bryan.

Carisa was delivered via c-section and is said to be the largest little one delivered at the hospital in more than a decade.

Carisa’s parents said they were prepared for her birth, as her older sister was also a big baby, weighing 10 and a half pounds. Now that’s what you call hard labour!

Difficult words: deliver (to help a woman give birth to her baby), c-section (opening a woman’s body to take the baby out), little one (baby), hard labour (hard work AND a difficult birth), labour (the process of giving birth to a baby), .
