80-year-old cheats death in pharmacy car crash in Winter Haven, Florida

Most people go to the pharmacy to find something to alleviate their aches and pains, not pick up more.

But that’s what very nearly happened to 80-year-old Adrienne Watkins, after a car smashed through the front window of her local pharmacy store in Winter Haven, Florida.

CCTV from the store shows Adrienne over by the counter when she bends down to pick up something she’s dropped, and then the car smashes through the store, destroys the counter, narrowly misses Watkins.

The vehicle was being driven by 84-year-old Margaret Underwood, who had had a small accident in the parking lot before inexplicably driving through the store and causing $65,000 worth of damage.

After the incident, store staff rushed to help the fallen Watkins and she was taken to hospital where she was treated for cuts and bruises.

Difficult words: alleviate (to make something less painful), smash (break), inexplicably (it is strange and cannot be explained), rush (hurry).

