A family in Florida had an unexpected dinner guest on Friday evening in the form of a black bear.

The bear was caught on camera having a bit of “me time” and enjoying a break in Daytona Beach.

He was seen chilling on the family’s garden hammock for around 20 minutes before neighbours turned on the lights which spooked him.

“Got in the hammock, laying back like he was a tourist or something. Something spooked him, and he ran right through there fast, and then I said well he’s gone. Half an hour he came back, and there he is in the hammock again.”

The bear has since been spotted in the neighbourhood tearing through bins looking for food. Since his visit, the neighbours have removed their bins and James took down his hammock, hoping the bear won’t make himself too comfy again.

Difficult words: “me time” (time by yourself), chill (to relax), hammock (piece of cloth you hang up that you can sleep in), spook (scare), spot (see), tear (rip), comfy (comfortable).
