The ugliest dog for 2014

It may surprise you to know this, but you’re currently looking at an award-winning animal.

This is Peanut, winner of the 2014 world’s ugliest dog competition in Petaluma, California.

An accolade that rewarded, or perhaps that should be compensated, owner Holly Chandler to the tune of $1,500.

The award-winning dog who, let’s be honest, has the face of a tiny, angry horse, saw off competition from a number of homely hounds in order to take home the prize.

Some were hairless, some had warts and one even appeared to be missing a nose, but none of them turned the heads and the stomachs of judges quite like Peanut.

Like many dogs in the competition, Peanut was rescued from a shelter. Ms Chandler, who came all the way from North Carolina for the competition, says she plans to use the prize money to help other abused animals pay vet bills back home.

Difficult words: accolade (award), let’s be honest (to say something truthfully and hurtfully), see off (deal with something), homely (ugly), hound (dog), wart (small hard raised part on somebody’s skin), abused (hurt).
