Trasncripts & Answer keys

Podcast Hosting – Listen Audio – Track 30



A: What do you feel like eating tonight?

B: Oh, something quick. We had a huge lunch at that Chinese restaurant, so let’s just pick up some Fast Fried Chicken.


A: I’m really starving. Where can we eat?

B: Well, there’s always Pizza Pit or Quick Burger.

A: Pizza sounds better to me than hamburgers.

B: Me too. And it’s your treat this time.


A: Do you want to eat out tonight or would you rather eat at home?

B: We’ve eaten out a lot this week.

I’m perfectly happy to stay home for a change—as long as I don’t have to cook.


A: Where do you want to eat tonight? We could try the new Korean restaurant, or would you rather go to the steak house?

B: Let’s have Korean food. I don’t feel like steak tonight.


A: I’d like to try a seafood restaurant today. What do you think?

B: Seafood sounds good. I was going to suggest a pizza, but seafood’s a lot better.


A: Where do you want to eat tonight?

B: I’m really hungry. Do you feel like Mexican food?

A: Sure. We’ve had Japanese food a lot this week, so Mexican would be nice for a change.


A: How about hot dogs or hamburgers, for dinner?

Br Oh, I’m sick of junk food. Let’s do something really special. Why don’t we try that new French restaurant?

A: What’s the occasion?

B: I’ve got something I want to ask you.

A: Well, all right.


A: Do you feel like vegetarian food today?

B: Sure. I know a great Thai vegetarian restaurant.

A: Yeah, but I made a great vegetarian spaghetti last night Do you want to come to my house and try it?

B: Sure. Why not!

B: Okay. What should T bring?

A: Well, you could bring dessert—and a date, if you want.

Answer keys

1b, 2b, 3a, 4b, 5a, 6a, 7b, 8a.
