Transcripts & Keys

Listen Music – Download Audio – Track 37-Shoping



A: This is nice. I like the color. Do you have a medium?

B: You’re holding a medium right now A: Oh, good. Can I try it on?

B: Sure, you can go right in there— behind you.


A: Where are these made?

B: They’re made in Korea.

A: They’re for tennis, right? Can you wear them for jogging too?

B: Oh, sure.


A: This is really comfortable.

B: Yes, and it would look really nice in the living room.

A: It’s almost big enough to sleep on. B: I know. Should we get it?


A: This would be a nice birthday present for Karen. She needs a new one,

B: Oh. I know she does, but isn’t it too big for her?

A: I don’t think so. You can adjust the seat and she’ll love this bell. And the price is right.


A: How about this? Do you think it’ll look good on me?

B: I don’t think so. The pattern’s not right. And the color’s awful.

A: Okay. Let’s keep looking.


A: This is a nice big one. There’s so much room inside. We really do need a new one.

B: Yes, but is it too big for the kitchen?

A: I’m not sure. It is huge.

Answer keys

A3, B2, C6, D4, E1, F5
