Transcripts & Answer keys

Listen Music – Listen Audio – Track 23



A: Here we are. Can you turn on the light? My hands are full.

B: Sure.

C: Surprise!

A: Happy anniversary, honey.

B: And I thought you forgot!


A: Are you going to Joe’s party?

B: Yes, I am.

A: What are you going to bring?

B: I’m going to bring a home-made pizza. How about you?

A: I think I’D bring a dessert—maybe  a chocolate cake.


A: David, are you doing anything this Saturday?

B: Not a thing. Why?

A: Andy is turning 20 and I’m having j a party for him. Can you come?

B: Sure! I can’t wait to see him try and! blow out 20 candles!

A: Great! Show up at about 7:30,


A: Are you going to Susie’s party?

B: Yes, I am.

A: What kind of party is it?

B: Well, I heard she’s going to make dinner for everyone. Tire food will be served buffet style, I think

A: Sounds nice.

A: Hi, Ted.

B: Hi, Lynne.

A: Hey, are you free on Saturday afternoon?

B: Yeah. What do you have in mind?

A: Well, I’m going down to the park with some friends. We’re going to grill some steaks down there. Why don’t you come?

B: Okay. Thanks. I’ll bring something to drink,


A: Would you like to come for dinner tomorrow night? I’m having a few people over.

B: Yeah, sure. Is it potluck?

A: Yes, it is.

B: Okay. What should I bring?

A: Well, you could bring dessert—and a date, if you want.

Answer keys

1b, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6a.
