Transcripts & Answer keys

Listen Music Files – Download Audio – Track 21



A: Right now you’re taking a small car, but you know, I can give you a much more comfortable car if you like

B: How much more will it cost to take a large car?

A: It’s only an extra $5 a day if you take it for the whole weekend.

B: Oh, that’s a good idea because we’ll have more room. We have three children, so a bigger car would be much more comfortable.


A: Would you like to buy a city guide?

B: How much is it?

A: It’s $15.

B: Fifteen dollars? Can I look at it?

A: Sure, Here you are.

B: Let me see what kind of information it has in it. Hmm, sightseeing, restaurants, hotels. Actually, I already have a guide that has all that information. So, thanks anyway.

A: No problem.

A: It’s cheaper for you to take the car for three days instead of just for two days.

B: How come?

A: Well, it’s $30 a day, but if you take it for three days, we have a special rate of just $70 altogether.

B: I see. Actually, I’m leaving on Sunday. I really only need it for two days. Thanks anyway.


A: Would you like to take out accident insurance? We have an excellent policy we can offer you. Take a look at this brochure. It gives you all the information you’ll need.

B; Thanks. Let me see… what does it say? Oh, I see. It only costs an extra five dollars a day. That seems pretty reasonable.

A: So, you’ll take the accident insurance?

B: Yes. I think I will because I can drive without worrying.

A: You certainly can.


A: Now, are you sure you wouldn’t like to rent a bigger car? The car you’ve asked for only has two doors. If s probably more convenient to have a four-door car,

B: Does it cost any more?

A: If s just an extra $10 for a four-door.

B: Well, I don’t think if s necessary because I’D be alone. A small two- door car is fine. Thanks anyway.


A: You rent cars a lot. Are you interested in joining our ear rental dub? You can save money on car rentals that way. We have branches in all the major duties.

B: Ham Sounds interesting. Can 1 look at the brochure, please?

A: Here you are.

B: Hmm. This is good. I can get a 20 percent discount every time I rent a car.

A: That’ s right. Twenty percent off every time,

B: Excellent. I think I’d like to join, please. I can save a lot of money.

Answer keys

Task 1: 1. Accept, 2. Refuse, 3. Refuse, 4. Accept, 5. Refuse, 6. Accept
Task 2: 1 True, 2 False, 3 False, 4 True, 5 True, 6 False.
