Transcripts & Answer keys



  • Good morning. I’m Mr. Safer and you are?

  • Hi, my name’s Jessica.

  • What’s your last name, Jessica?

  • Noh

  • Noh what?

  • Noh!

  • Noh?

  • Yes, Noh. Noh is my name. N-O-H

  • Oh Noh.


  • Who’s next?

  • I am.

  • Calvin Dang

  • Mr. Tang. This is the A to H line. You belong in S to Z line over there.

  • No. My name is Dang.

  • What is your last name?

  • Dang. D-A-N-G

  • Sorry Mr. Dang. Yes, here is you registration.


  • Name please.

  • Lane Morgan

  • I don’t have anything here under Morgan.

  • Oh. Look under Lane.  Morgan is my first name.


  • Hi. What’s your name?

  • Carl Dexter

  • Drexter?

  • No. Dexter. DEX.

  • Here you are Carol. Oops. You are not Ms. Carol Drexter. Are you?

  • Not me.

 Answer keys

1. Jessica Noh

2. Kevin Dang

3. Lane Morgan

4. Carl Dexter
