Transcripts & Answer keys



A: I’ve really been having trouble sleeping lately.

B: That’s too bad.

A: Yeah, I go to bed, but I often can’t fall asleep. Do you ever have that problem?

B: Yeah, I sometimes do, too, especially if I’m feeling very worried or stressed out.

A: So what do you do for it? Do you take sleeping pills?

B: I don’t like the idea of sleeping pills, so I usually get up and watch TV or read until I feel tired. Then I go back to bed. Why don’t you try it?

A: Yeah, I will.


A: I’ve been feeling very tired lately, like I have no energy.

B: Really? I used to have that problem.

A: Oh yeah? Do you think I should see the doctor?

B: It may not be anything serious. Have you tried taking vitamins?

A: No, I haven’t.

B: Taking vitamins always helps me when Tm tired.


A: I’ve been getting really bad backaches.

B: Is that right?

A: Yeah. Sometimes the pain is so bad I can hardly move.

B: Do you spend a lot of time in front of a computer?

A: Yes, I do.

B: That’s probably causing it. I used to get that problem, too.

A: So did you stop using the computer?

B: No, I didn’t need to. But I changed the way I sat, and that made a difference.

Here. Let me show you.


A: I’m getting a lot of colds this year.

B: Really?

A: Yeah! About once a month.

B: That’s too bad.

A: I’ve been taking vitamin C, but it doesn’t help.

B: Well, maybe you should go to the doctor. A: Maybe you’re right. Can you recommend a good one?

Answer keys

Task 1

1.b   2.c   3.a   4.c

Task 2

1.b   2.c  3.b   4.b
