Transcripts & Answer keys

Listen Music Files – Share Audio – 48 23. 3. exercise



A: So tell me about Tokyo. What’s it like?

B: I love it. There are so many great things to do. I’m busy all the time.


A: Do you like living here?

B: Well, it’s okay. One thing I do like is that there’s very little noise. People don’t walk down the street with loud radios or anything. It’s pretty nice.


A: Do you like it here?

B: It’s okay. But it’s awfully crowded and the air is so dirty. To tell you the truth, I’m thinking about moving.


A: What’s it like living in New York?

B: Oh, it’s really a great city, but you have to pay a fortune for everything.


A: Is Auckland a very big city? Is it crowded?

B: Not really. It’s really quite small. It’s never very crowded or noisy. In fact, it’s like a small town in many ways.


A; So what’s San Francisco like? I hear it’s very scenic.

B: Yes, it is. The Golden Gate Bridge is great any time of year. The parks and the ocean are beautiful, too. It really is a very lovely city.


A: What’s your hometown like? Is it a nice place to live?

B: It’s great, especially for families with children. It’s pretty and quiet and it isn’t dangerous at all.


A: Is Osaka a big place?

B: Sure. That’s why I like it. Lots of people. Lots of nightclubs and discos. I don’t like small cities.

Answer keys

Task 1

1. great

2. quiet

3. crowded

4. great

5. small

6. lovely

7. safe


Task 2

1.b   2.b   3.a   4.b   5.a   6.b   7.a   8.b
