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It’s a brown leather one. I keep all my money and my credit cards in it. I usually keep it in my back pocket. It probably fell out when I was getting off the bus. I hope I get it back because it also has my ID card in it, and that’s very important.


I’m always losing them or putting them down and forgetting where I put them. I think I was wearing them when I was on the bus. Then I stopped for a cup of coffee at a coffee shop. I think I took them off then because I don’t need them when I

read, and I was reading a magazine. Yes, maybe that’s where they are.


I’m sure I had them when I left school because I remember putting them in my purse. I’m sure I had them when I came home or I couldn’t have driven the car or opened the front door. So that means they’re somewhere inside the house.


I’m sure I used it to’ pay the bill at the restaurant when I had lunch there. After that I went to the department store, and I think I used it when I bought my jacket. I’m sure that’s the last time I used it, so it’s probably there.


I usually keep it at home in a drawer in my desk because I only use it when I travel abroad. But it’s not there, so I wonder where I put it. Oh, maybe I left it at the office when I came back from my trip to France. I think that’s where it is, because I went straight from the airport to my office.


I thought it was in my briefcase. I usually put it there when I get one from the newsstand and then read it when I get home. Now I remember! I was on the subway! I took it out to read the sports section. I’m sure I left it there.

Answer keys

Task 1

1. wallet

2. glasses

3. keys

4. credit card

5. passport

6. newspaper

Task 2

1. a   2. b  3.b  4.a  5.b  6.a
