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A: Hello.

B: Hello, can I speak to Anne, please?

A: Sorry. She’s not in right now. Would you like to leave a message?

B: Yes, please. My name’s Mary Brown.

A: Mary Brown?

B: Yes, and my number is 914-6520.

A: Did you say 6520?

B: That’s right. Could you ask Anne to call me back tonight?

A: Okay, I’ll give her the message.

B: Thanks.

A: You’re welcome.


A: Hello.

B: Hello. I’d like to speak to John, please. A: Oh, John’s not back from school yet. Can I take a message?

B: Um, yes, please. My name is Ellen.

A: E-L-L-E-N?

B: That’s right. And my number is 614-5533. A: 614-5533.

B: Please tell John I’ll meet him tomorrow at 12 o’clock at the bookstore.

A: At the bookstore. Okay. I’ll tell him.


A: Hello,

B: Hello. Is Peter there, please?

A: He’s gone out for the evening. Can I take a message?

B: Yes, please. This is Joan calling.

A: Yes, Jean. What’s the message?

B: No, it’s Joan. J-O-A-N. Please tell him the English exam will be on Tuesday in Room 214.

A: English exam… Tuesday… Room 214. I’ll tell him. •

B: Thank you.


A: Hello.

B: Hello. This is John.

A: Oh, hi, John!

B: Is Patrick there?

A: He’s here, but he’s sleeping. He won’t get up until morning. Can I take a message?

B: Yes, please. Tell him that tomorrow’s party is at 7:30 at the Plaza Hotel.

A: Okay, let’s see… John called… Oh, John, how do you spell your name again? Is it J-O-N?

B: No, it’s J-O-H-N.

A: Okay… John called. Tomorrow’s party…party…7:30…Plaza Hotel. Got it! He’ll be there.

B: Thanks. Talk to you later.

A: Bye!

Answer keys

Task 1

1. Harry – Mary 914-6522 = 914-6520 tomorrow = tonight

2. Helen = Ellen 614-5553 = 614-5533 library = bookstore

3. Jean = Joan Thursday = Tuesday Room 240 = Room 214

4. Jon = John tonight = tomorrow 7:00 = 7:30

Task 2

1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a
