Transcripts & Answer keys


A: Hi, Ted.

B: Oh, hi.

A: Are you still working in the bank?

B: Yeah.


A: Where are you working now, Sonia?

B: I just started as a chef in an Italian restaurant. Come and try my food.

A: Sounds great — I’d love to! •


A: Are you still at school, Bob?

B: No, I graduated from college last month. A: Congratulations! And what are you doing now? *

B: Nothing much. I’m tired. I’m taking a long vacation.


A: What do you do, Marie?

B: Me? I’m a lawyer.

A: How long have you been doing that?

B: For about five years. Do you need a good lawyer?

A: Well, not yet!


A: Are you a receptionist, Suzanne?

B: Yes, I am.

A: Do you like the people you work with? B: Well, it’s my first week on the job, so I’m not sure yet.


A: Are you still a tennis instructor, Martha? B: No, I’m not. I didn’t like it.

A: So what are you doing now?

B: Well, I’m trying to find a new job.


A: Do you work in an office, Fred?

B: Not anymore. Now I’m an English teacher. I just had my first class.

A: Really? How was it?

B: It was terrific! *


A: Are you still working at the bookstore, Sue?

B: Yeah, but I don’t like it. I have to stand all day and I get so tired.

A: I’m sorry to hear that!

Answer keys

Task 1

1. Has the same job

2. Has a new job

3. Isn’t working now

4. Has the same job

5. Has a new job

6. Isn’t working now

7. Has a new job

8. Has the same job

Task 2

1. e   2. f   3. b   4. h
