Transcripts & Answer keys

Play Music – Upload Audio – 16 18. 4. exercise



A: Can I try on that shirt, please?

B: This one?

A: No, not the one with the short sleeves.

The other one.

B: Here you are.

A: Thanks. Can this be machine washed, by the way?

B: No, it’s silk, so, you should dry-clean it. It’s not a good idea to wash it by hand or machine-wash it.


A: I’d like to buy some envelopes.

B: Which ones? These big ones?

A: No, those are too big. Do you have any smaller ones?

B: How about these?

A: Yes, they look like a better size. Can they be used for air mail letters? .

B: No. These are meant for regular mail.


A: Can I see that watch, please?

B: The one with the narrow band?

A: No. The one with the wide band. Is this a man’s watch? I’m looking for a gift for my girlfriend.

B: Actually, anyone can wear it. It’s not just for a man.

A: Hmm. It’s nice.


A: I love that tie.

B: I’m not crazy about stripes myself.

A: No, no — the blue and orange one.

B: Oh. I don’t like that, either.

A: It’s kind of fun. It’s for my brother’s birthday. He likes things that are a little different.

5. , . .

A: Can I see that blouse?

B: The one without the pockets?

A: No, the other one.

B: Here you are.

A: What fabric is this? Is it cotton?

B: I think it’s a linen and cotton blend

A: I’d like to get some apples.

B: How about these big ones?

A: I don’t think they are very sweet. The smaller ones are usually sweeter.

B: Okay. Let’s get some of these small ones.

Answer keys

Task 1

1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. a

Task 2

1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. b 6. a
