Transcripts & Answer keys

Download Music – Audio File Hosting – 13 18. 3. exercise



A: Could I help you with anything today, ma’am?

B: Well, I really like this blouse. Do you have it in another design?

A: Yes, we do.

B: Great! I’ll take it, then.


A: Do you need any help, sir?

B: Yes, actually, I do. These are a small and they’re too tight. Do you have a medium?

A: Yes.

B: Great! I’ll take them.


A: These are the most beautiful watches in the store.

B: They really are nice. How much is this one?

A: It’s $2,500. Would you like to buy it?

B: No, thanks. It’s too expensive for me.


A: Need any help this morning?

B: No, Fm just looking around for some gift ideas, thanks.


A: Those are really nice dresses.

B: Yes, they certainly are. I love the design.

Do you have one in a size 12?

A: Yes, we do. Would you like to take it?

B: Yes, please. ,


A: Do you need any help?

B: Yes. I want to buy a shirt for my husband.

Do you have anything in cotton?

A: Yes, we do. Look at these.

B: They’re perfect! I’ll buy the gray one.


A: Good afternoon, ma’am. Can I help you find anything?

B: Oh, I’m not sure what I want. I’ll just look around for a while, thanks.


A: May I help you with anything, or are you just looking?

B: I’d like these green gym shorts, please.

Do you have them in a large?

A: I’m afraid we don’t.

B: Oh, that’s too bad.

Answer keys

Task 1.

1. Yes  2. Yes  3. No  4.  No  5. Yes  6.  Yes  7.  No  8. No

Task 2.

1.a   2.b  3.b  4.b  5.a   6.b  7.a   8.b
