Transcripts & Answer keys

Share Music – Embed Audio Files – 09 17. 4. exercise



A: How’s the weather?

B: The temperature is going down, and it’s turned very windy. I think it’s going to rain a lot tonight.


A: How’s the weather now?

B: It’s much warmer now than it was this morning. And the wind has stopped, too. I think I’ll go out for a walk.


A: Is it nice outside?

B: It was nice when I got up this morning, but now the sky is very dark. I think it’s going to rain. •


A: What’s it like outside? ‘

B: It’s getting very windy now. I don’t think it’s a good idea to go out.

I think we’re going to have a bad storm.


A: Is it a nice day today?

B: It’s much nicer now. It was so cold and windy this morning, but it’s really nice outside now. And it’s getting warmer, too.


A: What’s it like outside today?

B: It was cold and wet earlier, but now it’s stopped raining and the sun is coming out.


A: What’s the weather like?

B: It was terrible this morning when I woke up — very hot and humid. I’m glad it’s getting cooler now.


A: Is it still snowing?

B: It sure is. We’re going to have a really bad snowstorm. Let’s not go out today.

Answer keys

Task 1

1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. b

Task 2

1. Worse

3. Worse

5. Better

7. Better

2. Better

4. Worse

6. Better

8. Worse
