Transcripts & Answer keys

Free Music – Embed Audio – 58 Track 58



A : What’s that new movie like? Is it a drama?

B: Kind of. This volcano suddenly comes up out of the ocean in San Francisco, so this family is trying to get away from it. It’s a good story, though. Pretty scary and very realistic.

A: Are the special effects any good?

B: They’re great!

A: Does it have any famous actors in it?

B: Not really. They really should have had better actors. The two stars are pretty bad. But the music is great.


A: So tell me about that new movie you went to on Saturday. What’s it all about?

B: It’s about these bank robbers in Kansas and how the police are trying to hunt them down. It’s pretty exciting from the moment the movie starts right ’til the end.

A: Are there a lot of special effects?

B: Yeah, there are a lot of big explosions. They were terrific.

A: Who’s in the movie?

B: A couple of new actors that I’ve never seen before. They were both pretty good, especially the guy.

A: Sounds like a great movie.

B: Yeah. The only thing I didn’t like was the music. They have this very loud, funky music all the way through. It was pretty annoying.


A: What was the movie like?

B: Well, it’s supposed to be an adventure story. Some explorers in Africa discover this new kind of animal. A really huge ape that they want to bring back to America.

A: Sounds interesting.

B: Yeah, the story was good, but the special effects were awful. The ape didn’t look very realistic at all. It looked like a toy or something. And the two main actors were pretty awful.

A. So it’s not worth seeing?

B: No. But buy the soundtrack. The music was excellent.


A: Is that movie you saw any good?

B: Yeah, fantastic.

A: It’s about a robbery, right?

B: Yeah, it’s a great story about these art thieves in London who want to steal some famous paintings from a museum. It ends with a fantastic helicopter chase all over London. There are some unbelievable special effects.

A: Really. I should see it. Who’s in it?

B: A couple of British actors I never saw before. They’re fantastic. There are some nice songs in the movie, too.

A: Great.

Answer keys

Task 1

1. The story, the special effects, the music

2. The story, the special effects, the actors

3. The story, the music

4. The story, the special effects, the actors, the music

Task 2

1. c 2. a 3. b 4. d
