Transcripts & Answer keys



A: So do you think we should go and see it?

B: Yes, I think so. I hear it’s very good. My friend said the story is great. And I love Arnold Schwarzenegger.

A: So do I. His movies are always full of action.


A: What’s the weather going to be like on Saturday?

B: Hot and sunny.

A: Oh, good, so let’s go then. It’ll be perfect for swimming.

B: Yeah. But I just want to lie on the sand and sleep.


A: What time is the game?

B: It’s at two o’clock.

A: Great. Are you playing?

B: Sure.


A: What do you want to do this weekend?

B: I don’t know. What do you want to do?

A: I don’t know.

B: Hey, I know. Let’s get the guys and go rollerblading.

A: Okay.


A: What do you need to buy?

B: Well, I need some new jeans.

A: And I need some shirts.

B: Okay. Let’s go on Saturday afternoon.


A: Want to come with me on Saturday? I don’t think it’ll be too hot. It’s great exercise.

B: Okay. I’ll pack a lunch. Maybe we can ride to a park and have a picnic.

A: Great idea.

Answer keys

A. 6    B. 4      C. 1     D. 3     E. 5     F. 2
