Transcripts & Answer keys


A: Have you been here long?

B: No, we arrived a few days ago, on the first of the month.

A: And how long are you staying?

B: We’re staying exactly two weeks. We leave on the 14th.


A: When did you get here?

B: I arrived on the 4th.

A: Will you be here long?

B: Until the 13th. Not long enough, really.


A: Did you just arrive?

B: I arrived on July 2nd.

A: Are you enjoying your vacation?

B: Oh, yes. But it’s too short. I leave on the 10th.


A: When did you arrive?

B: We got in on the 5th.

A: How long are you staying?

B: We’re leaving on the 15th. We’re just staying ten days.

Answer keys

1. Arrived 1         Will Leave 14

2. Arrived 4        Will Leave 13

3. Arrived 2        Will Leave 10

4. Arrived 5       Will Leave 15

5. Arrived 3       Will Leave 31

6. Arrived 6       Will Leave 16
