scripts & keys

Play Music – Podcast Hosting – Track 16



A: Let me show you this two-door car. B: You mean the blue one?

A: That’s right. People love renting this car. It’s fast and fun, and it’s got a really great stereo system. You’ll have a great time at the beach with this car.

B: Well, I don’t know. I am going to the beach, but I’m taking my brother and his kids with me. Do you have anything bigger, and, you know, safer? Like a minivan?

A: Sure. There’s one right behind you.

A: I’m so glad we rented this time.

B: Me, too. The RV was a little more expensive than a regular car, but it’s so roomy and comfortable. And the kids love it.

A: Yeah. They can really stretch out and relax in here.

B: And that means we can relax, too.


A: So, what do you think?

B: Wow! What a beautiful sports car! A: I know. It’s really fast.

B: How do you afford a car like this?

Do you have a really important job? A: Well, actually, I’m still a student.

This is just a rental car.

B: Oh, I see. Well, it’s still a very nice car.


A: Hi, there! Can I help you?

B: Yeah, I need to rent a car but I don’t want to spend too much.

A: Then you’ve come to the right place! Here at Rent-A-Wreck we fix up old cars and rent them for the lowest prices in town.

B: Nice. Do they still run okay?

A: Oh sure, and they’re only $20 a day.

5.                    .

A: Wow! Just look at this baby! How long is it, anyway? 4 meters? 5?

B: Almost, but not quite. Let me open the door for you, sir.

A: Hey, thanks! Geez, it’s so big inside! I could put my whole apartment in here! They’ll be really impressed when I come to the wedding in a car like this!

B: Is this your first time renting a limo, sir?

A: Yeah. How did you know?


I’m moving this weekend, so I rented a big yellow truck. I’m really glad I did.

It doesn’t cost very much, and there’s plenty of room for my things. And that’s good, you know, because when I started moving my boxes out of the house, I realized that I had a lot of stuff. And I mean a lot. It would take all day to move it in my tiny car.

Answer Keys

A5, B3, C2, D4, E1, F6.
