Scripts & Keys

Podcast Hosting – Embed Audio Files – Track 11


A: City Cabs.

B: Yes, I’d like a taxi to the airport, please. I’m at 421 Evergreen Street.

A: Certainly. For how many passengers?

Br Just one. About how much will it cost?

A: It’s 40 dollars. Your taxi number is 6889.

B: 6889. Thanks. And will the taxi be { here soon? I’m in a hurry because my flight leaves in two hours.

A: It’ll be in front of your hotel in five minutes.

B: Thanks.


A: City Cabs.

B: Could I have a taxi to the National Museum, please?

A: Sure. How many passengers are there?

B: There are three of us.

A: Okay.

B: And about how much is it to the museum from my hotel—the American Inn, on Fourth Street.

A: It’ll be about $20.

B: That’s fine. And will it take long to get there? I’m in a hurry because the museum closes in two hours.

A: No problem. We’ll have you there by 3:30.

B: Great.

A: And let me give you your taxi number. It’s number 3556.

B: Thanks.


A: City Cabs.

8: Yes. I need a taxi to the train station, please. I’m at 817 Iowa Avenue.

A: For how many passengers?

B: Just me.

A: Sure. And do you want it right now?

B: Yes. As soon as you can, please. I’ in a hurry. I have to catch a train.

A: What time is your train?

B: It’s at three o’ clock.

A: No problem.

B: Oh. And about how much is it from here by taxi?

A: It will be about $15.

B: Thanks.

A: And your taxi number will be 49178.


A: City Cabs.

B: Yes I’d like a cab to the hospital, please.

A: Sure. Do you have an emergency?

B: No, but I need to get there in a hurry. My Mend has just had a baby. I want to take her some flowers.

A: It won’t take long to get there. Is there just one passenger?

B: Yes, that’s right. Oh, and I’m at 120 First Avenue.

A: Okay. There’ll be a taxi at your door in three minutes. The taxi number is 5399.

B: Thanks. And about how much is the fare?

A: It’ll cost you about $18.

B: Thanks.

Answer keys

Task 1: 1 False, 2 False, 3 True, 4 False.
Task 2: 1b, 2b, 3a, 4a.
