Listen 61 – Directions

Share Music – Listen Audio – 37 21. 4. exercise

TASK 1. People are giving directions to their homes. Number the directions in the correct order.


Go down the street and my house is on the left._______________

Walk past the hotel for two blocks.______________

Come out of the subway. _____________

You’ll see a small street on the right._______________


Cross the foot bridge.__________

Go down the street on the other side of the footbridge.

Get off the bus across from the supermarket.________

Walk north for two blocks. ___________


Go down the street until you see the supermarket_________

Walk towards the river. ___________

Take the first street on the left_______

Go through the intersection.______


Get off the bus across from the school._________

Go down the street until you see a church.________

Turn right just past the gas station _______

Walk north for about four blocks._______

TASK 2. Listen again. What should each person bring? Circle the correct answer


a. food

b. CDs

c. videos


a. snacks

b. soda

c. music


a. vegetable

b. chips

c. fruit


a. sneakers

b. balls

c. racket

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