Attitudes towards money

Generally, people are classified into three categories according to their attitudes towards money: misers, spenders, and economizers. Misers seem almost obsessed with the idea of saving, so they accumulate money in banks if their income is large, or in the house – stuffed in mattresses or under the living room rug – if they are low- income people. They deprive themselves of many things and spend money just on the most essential things. Spenders are people who have a tendency to spend too much on too many unnecessary things. They are often too generous, making elaborate gifts to friends and family. Credit cards in some spenders’ hands are often dangerous weapons. They become addicted to using them, only to regret it later when the bills come in and they are unable to pay. Economizers are practical people who spend wisely, usually making use of a budget. They can enjoy more and various material things and activities due to their careful utilization of funds. They spend in moderation and save in moderation for their future retirement or the education of their children. Of these three types of people, economizers are what most of us are having to be in our age. The acute problems of inflation, shortages, and low salaries are forcing us to become economizers. It is the only way to be if we are to survive in the futur. Hopefully, the misers and big spenders will modify their extreme attitudes towards money in these circumstances and convert into economizers.
