Listen 70 – Health

TASK 1. Listen to people describing a health problem to a friend. What phrase completes each statement? Circle the correct answer.

1. Lately, she_______.

a. easily falls asleep

b. can’t fall asleep

c. sleeps all night

2. Lately, he doesn’t_________.

a. take any vitamin

b. feel tired

c. have any energy

3. She gets very bad_________.a. backaches

b. headaches

c. pains in her eyes

4. He’s getting a lot of ___________ this year.

a. toothaches

b. stomachaches

c. colds

TASK 2. Listen again. Circle what the friend suggests for each problem.


a. get something from the drug store

b. get up and do something

c. take sleeping pills


a. get more sleep

b. see the doctor

c. take vitamins


a. buy a new computer

b. sit in a different way

c. stop using the computer


a. take vitamin C

b. go to the doctor

c. get more exercise

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