51. Parties

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Parties can be a lot of (1)…………..

People get (2)………………… to parties.

You can have a party because it is a special (3)……………., or just because you want to have a party.

Sometimes, people (4)…………………… paper hats at parties.

These are called party hats.

Some people (5)………………. with streamers and balloons.

At some parties, there is a (6)……………….

Sometimes, there are just (7)………………and drinks.

At some parties, (8)……………. play games.

There are also parties where people just (9)…………………around and talk.

People wear (10)……………….. things to parties.

You can go to some parties in (11)…………………clothes.

At other parties, you need to be (12)……………… in good clothes.

There are other parties where you are (13)……………..to wear a costume.

There are many different kinds of parties.

There are Christmas parties, birthday parties, going away parties, and parties for no

(14)…………….. at all.

I have been to parties for people who are (15)…………….., or for people who have just had a new


There are hundreds of reasons for having a party.

At some parties, you take a (16)…………………..

If it is a birthday party, then you take a gift and a birthday card to the person who is

having the birthday.

Sometimes, people will ask you to (17)…………………. food or drinks to the party.

All parties are different.

It is nice to be invited to parties.
