50. Pets

Play Music – Embed Audio Files – 50. Pets

There are many (1)…………. animals that you can have for pets.

The most (2)………………… pets are cats and dogs.

I think the second most common pets are birds and fish.

You can (3)…………… a cat or a dog.

You can play with a cat or a dog, but it is difficult to play with a bird or a fish.

Some birds are very smart, and they can be (4)…………….. to do things.

Parrots are very (5)……………….

Some of them even talk.

Birds usually stay in (6)……………….

Fish have to stay in the water in a (7)……………….or a fishbowl.

Some people have (8)………………. or guinea pigs as pets.

There are even people who have (9)……………….. as pets.

I have a friend who has a (10)…………………...for a pet.

She has to buy live (11)…………………….for her lizard to eat.

Another friend of mine has a pet (12)……………………

I don’t think I would like to have a pet snake.

There are different types of dogs.

Some dogs are very big,

and some are small.

A Labrador retriever is a big dog.

A (13)…………………..is usually a small dog, although there are some large poodles.

Some dogs are noisy, and they (14)………………….. a lot.

Other dogs are quiet and (15)…………………..

I (16)…………………. had a dog.

It was a cocker spaniel.

I used to take it for (17)…………………..

There are different types of cats too.

My favorite type of cat is a Siamese cat.

Siamese cats have blue eyes.

My mother had a Persian cat.

It was very (18)…………………

My mother said that it used to (19)…………….fur all over the house.

Pets are a lot of fun, but they are a lot of work too.

To be a good pet owner, you have to be very (20)………………
