48. The kitchen

Play Music – Audio File Hosting – 48. The kitchen

The kitchen is where we make and eat our (1)…………………

There is a stove in the kitchen.

Inside the stove there is an (2)………………….. where you bake things.

You can put a (3)……………….into the oven to bake.

On top of the stove are (4)………………... The burners get hot.

You put pots or (5)……………….. on the burners.

The (6)………………..is where we store the food that needs to be kept cold.

We keep milk, eggs, cheese and (7)………………. in the refrigerator.

At the top of the refrigerator is the (8)……………………..

The freezer keeps things (9)……………………...

We have frozen vegetables, ice cream and (10)……………….. in the freezer.

We have a (11)…………….. in the kitchen. You put the bread in the toaster, and it turns into toast.

We have an (12)………………….

We boil water to make tea in the kettle.

There is a double (13)………………. in the kitchen. That is where we wash the dishes.

We turn on the hot tap, and put some dish (14)………………….. into the sink to wash the dishes.

Sometimes we put the dishes into the dishwasher, and the dishwasher washes the


There are other things in the kitchen.

There are (15)…………………….like knives, forks and spoons.

There are tea (16)…………………….and dish clothes.

There are oven (17)…………………… and pot holders to take hot things out of the oven.

There are pots to cook and boil things in.

There are pans to fry things.

We have dishes that we eat from.

We have (18)…………………… for our dinner, and bowls that we can put our soup in.

We drink from cups, or (19)…………………., or glasses.

We keep our juice in a (20)……………………. or a jug.

There is a timer that you can set when you are cooking. The timer buzzes when the food

is ready.

We also have a (21)…………………….. in the kitchen.

If we are in a hurry, we cook our food in the microwave.
