13 reasons you’re too old for a hostel

THERE comes a time when you have to take a good hard look at yourself and realise there are some things you’ve just outgrown.

So when it comes to travelling, you don’t want to be that creepy old person still living the backpacking dream. Matador have put together a list of reasons why you’re too old to be staying in hostels. Here are 13 of them.

1. You’re about to knock on the room next door and tell them to keep the noise down.

2. You wake up before midday.

Let’s leave the bunk beds for the kids.
Let’s leave the bunk beds for the kids. Source: ThinkStock

3. You’d rather read your book in peace than meet new people.

4. You realise you’ve forgotten your thongs to shower in and consider checking out completely.

5. If you see one more copy of Shantaram you’ll threaten to tear out the pages and burn them in the fire.

6. You’re not sure you can actually make it up onto the top bunk.

There’s nothing you love more than a good book and some peace and quiet.
There’s nothing you love more than a good book and some peace and quiet. Source: ThinkStock

7. Suddenly you’re the room mate that’s snoring.

8. You can’t help but sound slightly condescending when you ask someone about their travels.

9. Just once, you check your work email.

10. Someone mentions having sex in the hammock and instead of thinking, “how does that even work?”, you think, “God why would you even want to?”.

When everyone else is out drinking you’re working
When everyone else is out drinking you’re working Source: ThinkStock

11. The prospect of hooking up with one of the backpackers feels really creepy.

12. You have no interest in discussing the difference between a “traveller” and a “tourist”.

13. You take the time to review the hostel online.

Although maybe it’s time Australians in general stopped staying at hostels. Another noteworthy reason (US site) Matador included: “You’re beginning to develop vaguely racist opinions about Australians.” Enough said.

Source: NewsComAu
