
This is an age of speed! Technological advance has brought jet airplanes and streamlined trains whizzing over transportation lines, helicopters carrying the mail, missiles hurtling through space; telegraphs, long-distance phones, radio, television, telstar and flashing communications. These are just a few examples of the Revolution in Speed, which is hastening us along in its breathless […]

The museum robbery

It was, Italian authorities said later, as if the thieves had a catalog and knew just what they were after. Armed bandits bound and gagged six unarmed guards, entered a storeroom containing artifacts from the Roman town of Herculaneum, and stole about 280 objects – gold rings, bracelets, earrings, and precious stones. All had been […]

Pacific Salmon for the Japanese

Nobody eats as much Pacific salmon as the Japanese, who consume the fish raw, pickled, baked, salted, fried, smoked and put in soup. They eat salmon liver, and salmon skulls, and they process the fish into burgers and sausage. They eat 300,000 tons of the fish each year, a third of the world’s total catch. […]

The “Jazz Age”

Some of America’s finest novelists began to write in the 1920s, or the “Jazz Age”, as this decade is sometimes termed. Older authors such as Theodore Dreiser and Ellen Glasgow were still writing, but new authors wrote with new attitudes and styles. Most of the serious novelists critically analyzed American society and ways of life […]

Allergic reactions to cosmetics

In a recent survey, it was found that 25 percent of the women interviewed reported drying and burning of the skin after using certain soaps, ten percent had eye and nasal irritations after using certain perfumes, and eight percent had cracked lips after using certain lipsticks. The most common symptoms of allergic dermatitis are extremely […]

The Assembly Line

Henry Ford was a car builder. He was not the first to have the idea of the horseless coach. The Germans Daimler and Benz had invented it, but he was the first to use the assembly line for mass production. His Model-T car was the first to be produced on the assembly line. The new […]

Alpine forests

Forests are the lifeguards of the snowy peaks of the Alps. They provide a natural barrier against avalanches and landslides, but the skiing industry, which proved a boon for poor Alpine farmers, is damaging the environment. Forests have been felled to make way for more ski runs, car parks, and hotels, and Alpine meadows have […]


More often than not, the person who habitually laughs longest and loudest when I a joke is retold does not possess a particularly keen sense of humour. Though he 1 may not admit it, he is vaguely aware of his deficiency, and frequently goes to 1 extremes to cover it up. A mediocre joke is […]


Of the world’s 2,500-plus species of palm trees, the Palmyra palm is most important to man, next to the coconut palm, because it yields food and provides over one hundred different useful end-products. To obtain the majority of its benefits, the Palmyra needs to be climbed twice daily to extract the nutritious juice from its […]


Our unconscious mind contains many millions of past experiences that, so far as our conscious mind knows, are lost forever. By means of several devices, we now know how to bring back lost memories. One method is “free association”, used by psychiatrists. If a patient lets his conscious mind wander at will, it can give […]