listen for vocabulary

Embed Music – Listen Audio Files – 22. Meals

Breakfast is very (1) ……………. at our house.

My brothers and sisters and I have (2)……………………

We also have (3) …………………

On weekends my mother makes (4) ………………… for us.

My father just has a cup of coffee for breakfast.

My mother (5) …………………… a lunch for all of us.

We (6) …………………. have a sandwich, a piece of fruit and a drink of juice or milk.

My favorite sandwiches are egg salad, tuna, (7) …………………

My brother always wants (8) ……………….butter and (9) …………… sandwiches.

My mother sometimes packs a (10) …………….. for us.

Today we had (11) ……………….with our lunch.

At (12) …………………, the family sits around the table and talks about what they did all day.

My mother makes good suppers.

We sometimes have (13) ……………………….

My mother makes a roast of beef with (14) ……………………….. quite often.

She makes many (15) ……………………dishes out of chicken.

She makes soups or (16) ……………….

She also makes (17) ……………………..

My brothers and sisters and I have milk with our dinner.

My parents sometimes have wine with their dinner.

Sometimes we have (18)…………………….. before our dinner.

I set the table for my mother.

I put out the forks, the (19) ……………………..

I also put out (20) …………………. and fill them full of milk or water.

For (21) …………………….., we sometimes have ice cream, cake or pie.

My mother said that it is better to have fruit because it is better for you.

Tonight I ate a (22) …………………… for dessert.

My favorite fruits are apples, peaches, (23) …………………….. and bananas.

After supper, my mother always has a cup of tea with (24) ………………….in it.

After dinner, I help my mother with the dishes.

Usually she washes the dishes, and I will (25) ……………………. them.
