Transcripts & Answer keys

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A: So you’re a teacher. Is that right?

B: Yep.

A: Do you enjoy teaching?

B: Yes, I do. The vacations are great, but I’ve got a really difficult class this year. I try everything but they just don’t want to learn anything. Maybe it’s the way I teach.


A: So how long have you been a flight attendant?

B: For nearly ten years.

A: Do you like flying?

B: Actually I do. I love it. And I meet lots of interesting passengers. The only thing I don’t like is staying in hotels all the time. I miss home cooking.


A: So, you’re an architect. That must be interesting.

B: Yes, it is. Right now we’re in the middle of a big project. We’re designing a new hotel.

A: Uh-huh.

B: The only trouble is the woman I work with and I have completely different ideas of what it should look like.

A: Is that going to be a problem?

B: I hope not. You see. I’m her boss.


A: So, you work in an auto shop?

B: That’s right. Bob’s Auto, on Ford Street. Do you know it?

A: Yeah, I think so. Do you enjoy working on cars?

B: Yeah, I really do. I love anything mechanical. The only trouble is the shop’s about an hour from my house.

A: An hour? So what do you do? Drive?

B: Sometimes. Sometimes I take the bus. The commute’s the worst part. But the money’s good. It kind of makes up for it.


A: Where do you work, Cindy?

B: In a bookstore.

A: Oh. Do you like it there?

B: Well, the money isn’t bad.

A: Uh-huh.

B: But the boss is a bit strange. Not at all friendly. And he’s got a terrible temper.

A: Oh.


A: So what do you do, Tony?

B: I’m a hairdresser,

A: Oh. What’s it like?

B: Well, I love my customers. Some of them are so friendly. But it’s tiring work. I work long hours and I’m on my feet all day.

A: Yeah. That must be tiring.

Answer keys

A3, B1, C5, D6, E2, F4
