Transcripts & Answer Keys

Download Music – Audio Hosting – Track 39



A: What do you think of this jacket?

B: The style’s okay, I guess. How much is it?

A: It’s $40.

B: Wow! That’s really cheap. What colors does it come in?

A: Looks like they have it in black, gray, red, and brown.

B: I like those colors—especially the red one. Try it on.

A: Okay. Well, how do I look?

B: I don’t know. It’s not exactly your size.

A: Really? Do you think I should buy it, anyway?

B: No, don’t get it. It’s too big.


A: How about this lamp?

B: It’s… unusual.

A: You mean, you don’t like the style.

B: Not really. And look at that price. $160!

A: Is that bad?

B: Well, it sounds pretty expensive tome.

A: What about the color?

B: Actually, the color is perfect. It goes perfectly with everything in the room. And the size is just right, too. But it’s very expensive.

A: We could put it on the credit card.

B: That’s true, I guess. Let’s just buy it and go home.


A: I have to get my sister a birthday present What do you think about this watch?

B: It’s really cute. I love the style.

A: It only comes with a black or brown band, though.

B: Yeah. I’d prefer some brighter colors. Brown is so-so. How much is it?

A: $69.95.

B: It’s okay, I guess.

A: What about the size?

B: It’s great! She’ll love it. Just get it!

A: Okay.


A: Look at this sofa. What do you


B: Oh, I’m not sure I like the style. It’s too heavy looking.

A: Is it comfortable? Try it.

B: Mmm. It’s really comfortable. And I’d like to have something this size. Our old sofa is way too small. This size is perfect

A: What do you think of the color?

B: Well, green isn’t my favorite color, but it’s better than that awful brown one we have now. It’s okay,

I guess.

A: How much is it?

B: Oh, no! It’s $999! That’s really too expensive. We can’t afford it right now.

A: I know. Why don’t we wait ’til next month for their mid-year sale? It might be cheaper then.

B: Hey, that’s a good idea.

Answer keys

Task 1: Answers:
1. the style: Okay
the color: Good
the size: Not good.
2. the price: Not good
the color: Good
the size: Good
3. the style: Good
the color: Okay
the price: Okay
4. the price: Good
the color: Okay
the size: Not good
Task 2: 1 no, 2 yes, 3 yes, 4 no.
