Transcripts & Answer keys

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A: Mr. Grant is really funny, isn’t he? He loves telling jokes. And he’s so easygoing.

B: I know. Then there’s Mrs. Grant. She never seems to smile. I wonder why she’s so serious all the time.

2. –

A: Where are Bobby and his brother today?

B: I think they’ve skipped class again.

A: Really? They’re always doing that.

B: Yeah. They aren’t serious about studying, that’s for sure. All they like to do is sit at home and play computer games.


A: What are your new neighbors like?

B: Mr. and Mrs. Roberts? Well, they seem nice. I’ve spoken to Mrs. Roberts several times. She’s very easy to talk to. But I haven’t spoken much to her husband. He’s kind of shy and not very talkative.


A: Have you met Wendy’s new boyfriend?

B: Yeah, I like him.

A: Me, too. I think he’s perfect for Wendy.

B: He sure is. They’re so sociable. They both love partying and they’re both a little crazy at times.

A: That’s for sure.


A: How do you like the new teachers?

B: Well, Mr. Williams is very easygoing, and he’s really smart, too.

A: Yeah, I know. And what about Miss Vaughn?

B: She’s not as easy to get to know. She’s not as easygoing as Mr. Williams. She seems very serious.

A: Yeah. I think so, too.


A: What’s your brother’s wife like?

B: She’s just like my brother— serious and hardworking. She’s at the office every night until around 9:00. And so is he.

A: They sound like the perfect couple.

Answer keys

Task 1

1. different

2. similar

3. different

4. similar

5. different

6. similar

Task 2

1. a   2. a   3. a   4. b   5. b   6. b
